This week we’ll conclude the series of conversations with Tata Rao, previously Lead Architect of a Global Financial Services Financial System Platform.

I asked Tata where our systems are going.  His response was three part:

  1. Cloud Migration.  The data security issues have been holding back some level of migration of these types of systems, but over time those problems will be overcome, and the systems will become less expensive through consolidated consumption of compute environments.
  2. Blockchain.  Blockchain is intended to be a distributed ledger.  That distribution brings about sharing of the data, decreasing the individual costs of the systems.  But the problems will move to consolidation of reporting results.
  3. Analytic. How do we overcome the need for standardization of the data structures involved?  Can we keep the original business events rather than storing summaries, and using the business events to produced? Some aspect of the answers to these problems might be described as a Metric Engine.

We conclude with some comments about about Doug Kunkel, our colleague and good friend, who freely shared his knowledge and expertise; Tata and I are working to do the same, sharing these insights for free, not even taking your time by making you watch advertising.

This is Episode 155 of Conversations with Kip, the best financial system vlog there is. Literally learn more–about ledgers and financial systems–at Financial Systems