I was asked to do a presentation for the Linux Foundation’s Open Mainframe Project annual convention Summit. 

This presentation discusses a key z/OS advantage, nearly eliminated hardware failures, how open source is changing the platform, the Linux Foundation’s Open Mainframe Project, and what vendor, mainframers and customers can do to move the transformation of these systems forward towards a better future with broader societal benefits. Also discusses the Open z/OS Enablement workgroup and it’s efforts to make sharing of mainframe resources easier and less costly with firm control by owners of components.

Here is an index to the specific topics:

00:00:00 The Old Faithful Analogy and z/OS–the Old Faithful of Computer Systems
02:00:00 Renewal of z/OS Systems and the value of and new uses of Financial Data
03:30:00 Shared ledgers, data tracking over time and Sharealedger.org
04:50:00 Open Mainframe Project’s role in renewal of the systems, and importance of financial results
06:20:00 Open z/OS Enablement, OzE project and the importance of platform access
08:50:00 Raspberry Pi’s idea of experimentation on edge of system safety
10:50:00 Measurement of our effectiveness, and access for more people
11:30:00 Summary of projects and purposes

More thoughts on these topics can be heard here as well: