“Are you getting an accurate view of your enterprise? Operational data can be a valuable source of analytics, but it is often inaccessible in critical applications residing on the mainframe. An unexpected reporting solution is now possible through open source on the mainframe. The Linux Foundation’s Open Mainframe Project  has promoted GenevaERS-the single-pass optimization engine for data extraction, transformation and analytics on z/OS-to an active more mature project status which you can read about here.”

Thus begins a new article published recently by the Enterprise Systems Journal coauthored by me and Randall Ness, discussing a problem we have been passionate about for decades now: how to get more out of your data, particularly on the mainframe.

If you’d like to learn more beyond the article, here are some additional materials from Ledgerlearning.sharealedger.org:

A fascinating space to have worked in.  I hope your work is as interesting.