Expert Level Content

Expert Level Content2021-12-16T17:09:44-07:00

A Different Perspective

Expertise can mean multi-dimensional thinking

With an appropriate foundation, the blog and videos below can make you think differently about business systems, where they are going, and what the business benefits will be through innovation.

Videos and Posts

Scores of blog entries with accompanying videos below will challenge your understanding of business ledgers

Books and Monographs

The Balancing Act textbook, and Metric Engine monograph will help you understand ledgers from beginner to expert

White Paper

Consider the implications of “A Proposed Approach to Minimum Costs for Financial Data Maintenance”


The following are series of posts related to a single topic.  Chose one to walk through all the related posts to gain a better picture of that topic.

Social Commerce

The future of Social Commerce will change our world


Learn from listening to others


System Architecture

A function for everything, and everything in a function


How is Fintech changing business systems

Data Supply Chains

A Data Supply Chain turns transactions into analytical outputs

Metric Engine

Unlike a Search Engine simply finding data, a Metric Engine measures positions

Social Risk Pools

Social risk pools and the flow of information will reward trustworthiness

Historical Bookkeeping

An incredible system developed over 500 years ago


Yes really.  If you understand them, many systems will make much more sense.

Blockchain Gaps

Shared ledgers will change the world, but a ledger is more than just blockchain

Data Quality

Measurement of the world with flawed data is flawed measurement

Estimating Processes

Computing needs for reporting systems can be estimated if you know how

Full List of Posts on Expert Topics

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